Sell Your Number Plate
We can quickly give you a number plate valuation within a minute
This will be an estimate based on our experience of the current market. If you want to discuss this figure we can go through this estimate figure of your number plate and agree on a price that will help you sell your number plate at a good price and within a short period of time.
There are are many ways you can sell your number plate, one way is to advertise your number plate for sale through social media.
Selling your number plate this way may give you an idea of what people are prepared to pay for your number plate,you will however by trying to sell your number plate this way find out how much time can be waisted with dead end enquiries.
The same experience may be found when trying to sell your number plate through auction websites.
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Open: Mon-Sat, 9am–6pm
How to sell my private number plate
Do you own your number plate?
This may sound obvious but there are a couple of things required to legally sell a number plate. Double check that your paperwork does not include the phrase 'non-transferable' if you have it to hand. If those words are not mentioned on your documents then you are ok to proceed. Next, you need to ensure you can answer 'yes' to one of the following:
- Is the vehicle registered under your first and last name?
- Are you the official purchaser or grantee and you either have a Certificate of Retention (V778) or a Certificate of Entitlement (V750)?
If you have these then you can legally sell your number plate.
How we estimate a valuation of a number plate
We believe a number plate valuation is dependent on these things:
The supply and availability of similar registrations.
Something that affects this is future or known DVLA number plate releases.
The DVLA regularly release new sequences of plates for sale to the public, by being aware of these we can give an accurate current day valuation by allowing for how these may affect things.
The type of plate affects the valuation as well, whether it’s a Dateless number plate, a Suffix, Prefix or a New Style number plate.
The look of the plate hugely affects the value, even some numbers alter how much a number plate will be wanted, like number 1 will always be highly sought after.
There are certain numbers that may be associated with cars for instance 786 for the Ferrari 786, 911 for the Porsche 911.
Numbers that can be look like a letter, for instance 5 is like an S and 1 is like an I or L, the addition of this letter on a number plate could make the plate read like a word which can be very valuable.
Letters however are usually the biggest factor in a number plate valuation. Many number plates are wanted by buyers because they match initials or short names and some sets of initials and names are more common than others.
Letters reflecting a word like a dog type LAB can suddenly appear to be popular from nowhere, you can suddenly have a number plate that is worth more if it reflects something currently popular.
A value is now attached to a number plate because of its history and who owned it before. Plates owned by famous people before can add value to it.
Owners of classic, veteran, vintage or post vintage cars will often seek plates that reflect the age of their car.
The 2 options of how to sell your number plate
We can buy your number plate from you
Sometimes people may want to sell their number plate for immediate payment. If so we can make you an offer to buy it from you.
The price offered for your number plate this way will be based on a trade price and will be lower than the offer we would make to sell your plate on a commission basis.
Please fill in the form if you want to sell your number plate to us or through advertising it on our website.
Please complete all the fields on the form and by doing so agree to us contacting you to discuss or negotiate the registration you are selling.
We can sell your number plate for you
Having agreed a valuation we can advertise your number plate for free on our website. By advertising your number plate on our website exposes the number plate to thousands of potential buyers.
We will then sell your number plate for you and earn an agreed commission in doing so. The other major advantage of this is that we handle the whole of the sale for you so you do not need to worry
about any of the selling process.
We are a member of the Cherished Numbers Guild so you can be confident the whole transaction will be dealt with professionally and in the correct manner.
Start to sell your number plate today, take the first step and get a valuation today from us.

We give a free number plate valuation service
Your number plates are wanted by us all year round by us at Motoreg but if you have a number plate valuation through us you do not have to sell your plate to us or through us.
We are a national company who has great track record of buying and selling private number plates but if for whatever reason after getting a valuation from us you are not obliged to sell to us or for us to sell your number plate on your behalf.
Sell Your Number Plate
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