Drivers who want to personalise their car with a personalised number plate can pay thousands of pounds for a cherished number plate with the letter and number combination that are suitable for them.
Buyers of cherished number plates are limited to the letter and number combinations available.
The more common and obvious letters making a word are a premium cost.
Drivers can purchase their personalised plates directly from the DVLA or go through trusted private number plate sellers like ourselves. The advantage of looking to buy a cheap private plate from ourselves is that we have a stock of literally hundred and thousands to choose from. Some of the cheap private plates may be owned by individuals who are using our facility to sell them.
In some cases to get cheap private plates you are able to put in on offer on these. The cherished number plates that we own are often advertised as cheap private plates because they cannot be bought cheaper anywhere else.
- Starting out on finding cheap reg plates you should set yourself a budget. The budget is the maximum cost you will pay for your cheap private reg.
- Confirm to yourself what you want in your plate for example initials like PAE or PE if that’s what you are looking for. You may have to be flexible on the combination of letters and numbers but by doing so you may be able to get the cheap private reg that works for you. It’s so easy to go for the first one you see that may push you over budget.
What you want from your cherished number plate is the knowledge you have got it at a good price and also that its something you will be proud of seeing on your car for many years.
- Check up on the the different styles of private number plates.
There are a variety of different number plate styles available for cars.
Understanding the different styles can help you determine which is best for you in terms of combinations and of course staying within your budget.
Due to the rules you will be limited by the actual age of your car because you cannot have a cherished number plate on your car that makes it look newer than it actually is.
This is why dateless number plates are so popular but do carry a premium.
Here are the different private number plates styles:
A. Current Style Private Number Plates
The current style of number plates was first introduced by the DVLA in 2001. They are very easily recognised, and take the following format:
Letter – Letter – Number – Number – Letter – Letter – Letter
B. Suffix Style Private Number Plates
The suffix style number plates originally existed between 1963 and 1982. They follow this structure:
Letter – Letter – Letter – Number (between 1-3 digits) – Letter
C. Prefix Style Number Plates
The prefix style number plates were used between 1983 and 2001 and replaced the suffix style. They follow the structure of having 3 letters at the end.
Letter – Number (between 1-3 digits) – Letter – Letter – Letter
D. Classic Dateless Number Plates
Dateless number plates were the first style of number plate used from 1903 through to the suffix plates that started in 1963.
The first registration of A1 is a valuable example of a dateless number plate that shows no year within its details and so no reference to the year it was issued.
E. Northern Ireland Number Plates
Northern Irish number plates are dateless plates that can be legally transferred to vehicles in all parts of the UK.
Northern Irish plates have a three-letter prefix, which is a way of recognising what region the plate plate was issued. This is followed by a number of 1-4 digits.
Cheap private plates
Examples of Irish number plates are like these, ‘ABZ 5678’ and ‘FIL 5278’.
Because there are so many of these in circulation these are a great option if you are looking for cheap private plates.
Cheap Private Plates Under £200 (previously sold)
This is a Northern Ireland Number plate

Cheap Private Plates Under £300 (previously sold)
This is a Northern Ireland Number plate

- Be aware of possible VAT and fees to be added on.
In addition to the price a private number plates is advertised for most sellers like ourselves are VAT registered. Meaning we have to add on VAT charged at 20% of the purchase price.
The DVLA will charge both an assignment fee and a fee to change the registration details on all private number plates even if they are cheap reg plates.
This will cover the cost of transferring ownership of the plate and assigning it to your vehicle. It’s a mandatory fee, so ensure that you factor in the additional cost in your budget. Most sellers like ourselves will inform you of the additional fees but make sure you double check as this can be quite an amount added on.
If you are looking to buy cheap private plates then please search our database. All our cheap reg plates are fantastic value because the price also includes for a set of premium acrylic number plates produced and sent to you included in the price.
If you want to discuss any private number we have for sale you can simply CALL US ON 024 7640 7604.